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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for August 2022.

August 24, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220824 release delivers the following new feature.

New Feature

This section describes a new feature.

Diagnostics for Entitlements System

Diagnostics provides Entitlement Systems with the ability to self-introspect, identify, and resolve possible problems with your Entitlements object model.

August 22, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220822 release delivers the following new features and enhancements and fixed issues.

New Features and Enhancements

This section describes new features and enhancements.

Entitlements System New Snippet

The Entitlements System adds a new User Can Do What snippet, allowing for information about what resources the user can access with which actions can be injected into the entz set for decisions.

Fixed Issues

This section describes fixed issues.

Styra DAS CLI Check-Local

The validate check-local CLI command did not allow Styra DAS Free users to locally validate Kubernetes manifests against Styra DAS policy rules.

Styra DAS CLI Validate Tests

If the validate tests Styra CLI command omits .rego from the end in the -p parameter, no useful error message is generated.

Styra DAS UI

The Styra DAS UI does not display errors unless the System with the error is selected and expanded.

Role Access

Git status was not available for System Owners.

August 3, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220803 release delivers the following new features and enhancements and fixed issues.

New Features and Enhancements

This section describes new features and enhancements.

Repo Scan

Repo Scan is being released to Styra DAS Free Edition. Repo Scan scans existing Kubernetes or Terraform configuration files stored in a GitHub repository and analyzes the repository for risks.

Infrastructure Enhancement

Styra DAS adds the ability to force evict a Relay Client by ID, which can expedite troubleshooting.

Fixed Issues

This section describes fixed issues.

System User Role

The SystemManager role was able to update/modify the authz permissions of a Styra DAS System.