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Querying SQL with sql.send

Enterprise OPA has a built-in function, sql.send for directly querying SQL databases. This enables writing policies that pull information directly from existing database records.


In this tutorial we'll be walking through an attribute-based access control (ABAC) example similar to the HTTP API Authorization example from the OPA documentation, but with a distinct twist: all of our policy's data about the company employees and management structure will be stored in an external database!

Project setup

For this tutorial, we'll be using the following docker-compose.yaml file:

# docker-compose.yaml
version: '3'
image: openpolicyagent/demo-restful-api:0.2
- "5000:5000"
- OPA_ADDR=http://enterprise-opa:8181
- POLICY_PATH=/v1/data/httpapi/authz
- enterprise-opa
- "8181"
- "8181:8181"
- "./:/data"
- "run"
- "--server"
- "--log-level=debug"
- "--log-format=json-pretty"
- "--set=decision_logs.console=true"
- "--addr="
- "/data/example.rego"

Creating our database

Enterprise OPA currently supports Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL-compatible, PostgreSQL-compatible, Snowflakesnowflake], and SQLite databases, so we will use a small SQLite database for this tutorial to illustrate what is possible.

In a file name init-database.sql, insert the following SQL schema code and DDL statements:

-- Create tables for Enterprise OPA to query.
CREATE TABLE employees (

CREATE TABLE subordinates (
manager TEXT NOT NULL,
subordinate TEXT NOT NULL

-- Populate employees table.
INSERT INTO "employees" ("name", "salary") VALUES ('alice', 65000);
INSERT INTO "employees" ("name", "salary") VALUES ('bob', 90000);
INSERT INTO "employees" ("name", "salary") VALUES ('betty', 80000);
INSERT INTO "employees" ("name", "salary") VALUES ('charlie', 60000);

-- Populate subordinates table.
INSERT INTO "subordinates" ("manager", "subordinate") VALUES ('bob', 'alice');
INSERT INTO "subordinates" ("manager", "subordinate") VALUES ('betty', 'charlie');

We can then create our database with the following sqlite3 CLI command:

sqlite3 company.db < init-database.sql

Creating the Policy

In the original example, the Rego policy directly encodes information about the company hierarchy, like so:

# bob is alice's manager, and betty is charlie's.
subordinates = {"alice": [], "charlie": [], "bob": ["alice"], "betty": ["charlie"]}

Since we're pulling all of our information from the database now, we can replace the spot where the subordinates variable was used in the original policy with a concise, parameterized SQL query:

# Allow managers to get their subordinates' salaries.
allow {
some username
input.method == "GET"
input.path = ["finance", "salary", username]
subordinate := sql.send({
"driver": "sqlite",
"data_source_name": "/data/company.db",
"query": "SELECT * FROM subordinates WHERE manager = $1 AND subordinate = $2",
"args": [input.user, username],
count(subordinate.rows) > 0 # Make sure the row exists in the subordinates table.

To avoid SQL Injection Attacks, we recommend using prepared statements/parametrized queries, as shown in the example above. This greatly limits the potential damage from malicious inputs, and prevents unintended queries from being run against your database.

The syntax of parameterized queries depends on the type of database, e.g. with PostgreSQL and SQLite, you can refer to parameters by position, using $1, $2, etc. With MySQL, you should use ? instead. With Microsoft SQL Server, you should use @p1, @p2, etc. Consult the documentation of your specific database to learn the appropriate syntax.

With that in mind, here's what our example.rego file should look like:

package httpapi.authz

# HTTP API request
# input = {
# "path": ["finance", "salary", "alice"],
# "user": "alice",
# "method": "GET"
# }

default allow = false

# Allow users to get their own salaries.
allow {
some username
input.method == "GET"
input.path = ["finance", "salary", username]
input.user == username

# Allow managers to get their subordinates' salaries.
allow {
some username
input.method == "GET"
input.path = ["finance", "salary", username]
subordinate := sql.send({
"driver": "sqlite",
"data_source_name": "/data/company.db",
"query": "SELECT * FROM subordinates WHERE manager = $1 AND subordinate = $2",
"args": [input.user, username],
count(subordinate.rows) > 0 # Make sure the row exists in the subordinates table.

The first allow rule in the policy ensures that employees can see their own salaries. The second rule is the more interesting one, allowing the manager of an employee to see the employee's salary. We have a table in the database encoding these relationships, so we only need to do an SQL query with the manager and subordinate fields filled in appropriately for the request, and then we can check to see if the database returned any results.

Running the demo

To show off this example, we will use the docker-compose.yaml file we wrote earlier to bring up two containers: one for the demo REST server, and one for Enterprise OPA.

To start the containers, run docker compose up.

Once the containers have started, we can run the same queries as in the original demo using the following curl script:

# Check that `alice` can see her own salary
curl --user alice:password localhost:5000/finance/salary/alice

# Check that `bob` can see `alice`’s salary (because `bob` is `alice`’s manager.)
curl --user bob:password localhost:5000/finance/salary/alice

# Check that `bob` cannot see `charlie`'s salary
curl --user bob:password localhost:5000/finance/salary/charlie

We should see the following results, indicating that everything is working as expected:

Success: user alice is authorized
Success: user bob is authorized
Error: user bob is not authorized to GET url /finance/salary/charlie