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Styra OPA Resources

We want you to succeed with policy as code. As the original creators of OPA, we're well placed to provide some pointers on how to get the most out it. Below are some of the tools and resources we've created to help you on your policy as code journey.


illustration of a viking representing the Regal logo

Regal is a free and open source linter for Rego. Regal is a tool for learners and experts alike, and is designed to help you and your team you write better policies.

📄️ Get Linting with Regal

Rego Cheat Sheet

The cheat sheet is designed to be a quick reference for those, learning and using Rego. Print it out and stick it on your wall, or keep it open in a tab for quick reference.

📄️ View the Rego Cheat Sheet

Rego Style Guide

The purpose of the style guide is to provide a collection of recommendations and best practices for authoring Rego.

📄️ Read the Rego Style Guide

OPA Errors Guide

This guide is designed to help you understand the most common errors you'll encounter when working with OPA. Each page provides examples of the error, why it's an error, and how to fix it. A perfect companion for your next debugging session!

📄️ View the OPA Errors Guide

Rego by Example

This section provides practical examples of common contact points in the Rego language. It's a great resource for those looking to learn about a specific feature of Rego.

📄️ Learn Rego by Example

Learn Rego by Comp

Awesome OPA

A curated list of awesome OPA-related tools, frameworks and articles. This is a great starting point for understanding the art of the possible with OPA and policy as code.

🔗 Explore Awesome OPA Projects