Querying Neo4J
Enterprise OPA provides the neo4j.query
built-in function for querying Neo4J at the time of a policy decision.
In the following example, we'll create a simple ABAC-style policy to determine if a user is allowed to access a resources relating to an imaginary pet store. In the input
document, we'll expect:
- A
performing the action - An
to be performed - A
on which the action is performed by the user
The action
may be read
or update
. We will allow the user to perform the read
action if the resource
refers to a pet that has not been adopted, or if the user is an employee. We'll only allow the update
action if the user is a senior level employee, having worked at the pet store for at least 8 years.
Project setup
You'll need to have Docker already installed, set up, and working to follow along.
Prepare a secure username and password to use for the database
export NEO4J_USERNAME=neo4j
export NEO4J_PASSWORD=verysecret -
Launch the Neo4J server
docker run \
--restart always \
--publish=7474:7474 \
--publish=7687:7687 \
neo4j:5.13.0-bullseye -
Save the following to
, we'll use it to populate some sample data into Neo4J during the next stepCREATE (p:Pet { id: "dog123", adopted: true, age: 2, breed: "terrier", name: "toto" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "dog456", adopted: false, age: 3, breed: "german-shepherd", name: "rintintin" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "dog789", adopted: false, age: 2, breed: "collie", name: "lassie" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "dog790", adopted: true, age: 7, breed: "beagle", name: "spot" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "cat123", adopted: false, age: 1, breed: "fictitious", name: "cheshire" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "cat456", adopted: true, age: 5, breed: "tabby", name: "mittens" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "cat789", adopted: false, age: 2, breed: "calico", name: "fred" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "cat790", adopted: true, age: 1, breed: "calico", name: "norbert" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Pet { id: "cat791", adopted: true, age: 2, breed: "sphinx", name: "wilhelm" }) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Person { id: "person123", name: "alice", tenure: 20, title: "owner"}) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Person { id: "person456", name: "bob", tenure: 15, title: "employee"}) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Person { id: "person789", name: "eve", tenure: 5, title: "employee"}) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Person { id: "person790", name: "dave", tenure: 3, title: "customer"}) RETURN p;
CREATE (p:Person { id: "person791", name: "mike", tenure: 4, title: "customer"}) RETURN p;
MATCH (o:Person)
WHERE p.id="cat123" AND o.id="person791"
MERGE (o)-[:OWNS]->(p);
MATCH (o:Person)
WHERE p.id="dog790" AND o.id="person790"
MERGE (o)-[:OWNS]->(p);
MATCH (o:Person)
WHERE p.id="cat456" AND o.id="person789"
MERGE (o)-[:OWNS]->(p);
MATCH (o:Person)
WHERE p.id="cat790" AND o.id="person789"
MERGE (o)-[:OWNS]->(p);
MATCH (o:Person)
WHERE p.id="cat791" AND o.id="person789"
MERGE (o)-[:OWNS]->(p); -
While leaving the Neo4J database running, use this Docker command to populate it with the sample data you saved in
during the previous stepinfoIf you see
The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
, you may have forgotten to populate theNEO4J_PASSWORD
environment variables before running the Docker command.docker run \
--env NEO4J_ADDRESS="neo4j://localhost:7687" \
--network host \
-i \
neo4j:5.13.0-bullseye \
cypher-shell --non-interactive \
< ./petstore.txt
Querying Neo4J
We can use eopa eval
to quickly check that we populated data into the database:
eopa eval -f pretty 'neo4j.query({"uri": "neo4j://localhost:7687", "auth": {"scheme": "basic", "principal": "neo4j", "credentials": "verysecret"}, "query": "MATCH (p: Pet) WHERE p.id=\"cat456\" RETURN p"})'
This should return a result like:
"results": [
"p": {
"ElementId": "4:effe5068-124c-4c26-ac05-49604bfa4f6a:33",
"Id": 33,
"Labels": [
"Props": {
"adopted": true,
"age": 5,
"breed": "tabby",
"id": "cat456",
"name": "mittens"
Simple ABAC Policy
package app.abac
import rego.v1
default allow := false
allow if user_is_owner
allow if {
allow if {
allow if {
not pet_is_adopted
# NOTE: credentials are hard-coded here for example purposes, in a production
# setting you should use Enterprise OPA's vault helpers or some other mechanism to
# properly secure any sensitive API tokens or other credentials.
userReq := {
"uri": "neo4j://localhost:7687",
"auth": {"scheme": "basic", "principal": "neo4j", "credentials": "verysecret"},
"query": "MATCH (p: Person) WHERE p.id=$iuser RETURN p",
"parameters": {"iuser": input.user},
user_attributes := neo4j.query(userReq).results[0].p.Props
petReq := {
"uri": "neo4j://localhost:7687",
"auth": {"scheme": "basic", "principal": "neo4j", "credentials": "verysecret"},
"query": "MATCH (p: Pet) WHERE p.id=$iresource RETURN p",
"parameters": {"iresource": input.resource},
pet_attributes := neo4j.query(petReq).results[0].p.Props
user_is_owner if user_attributes.title == "owner"
user_is_employee if user_attributes.title == "employee"
user_is_customer if user_attributes.title == "customer"
user_is_senior if user_attributes.tenure > 8
action_is_read if input.action == "read"
action_is_update if input.action == "update"
pet_is_adopted if pet_attributes.adopted == true
Save this policy to ./bundle/policy.rego
. While keeping the neo4j server from earlier in the tutorial running, you can use eopa eval
to evaluate this policy with different inputs. Consider the following example:
printf '{"user": "%s", "action": "%s", "resource": "%s"}\n' person123 update dog123 | eopa eval --bundle ./bundle --stdin-input --format pretty 'data.app.abac.allow'
printf '{"user": "%s", "action": "%s", "resource": "%s"}\n' person789 update dog123 | eopa eval --bundle ./bundle --stdin-input --format pretty 'data.app.abac.allow'
printf '{"user": "%s", "action": "%s", "resource": "%s"}\n' person789 read dog123 | eopa eval --bundle ./bundle --stdin-input --format pretty 'data.app.abac.allow'
You can adjust the printf
command arguments to change the user, action, and resource passed into the policy, so you can experiment with how the policy will react with different input values.