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HTTP Datasource Configuration

Enterprise OPA's support for periodically pulling in data from any HTTP services makes it possible to always have a snapshot of remote data available for policy evaluations in Enterprise OPA.

Example Configuration

The HTTP integration is provided via the data plugin, and needs to be enabled in Enterprise OPA's configuration.


# enterprise-opa-conf.yaml
type: http

With this minimal configuration, Enterprise OPA will pull the http.users information

  • retrieved via GET,
  • every 30 seconds,
  • sending no request body,
  • following redirects.

If the HTTP response contains an ETag header, it is sent on subsequent requests via If-None-Match. Any responses with status 304 (Not Modified) will not cause data updates.

All of this can be configured using an advanced configuration:


# enterprise-opa-conf-advanced.yaml
type: http
method: POST # default: GET
body: '{"count": 1000}' # default: no body
file: /some/file # alternatively, read request body from a file on disk (default: none)
timeout: "10s" # default: no timeout
polling_interval: "20s" # default: 30s, minimum: 10s
follow_redirects: false # default: true
Authorization: Bearer XYZ
other-header: # multiple values are supported
- value 1
- value 2
rego_transform: data.e2e.transform

With a config like this, Enterprise OPA will retrieve the document with the specified HTTP request, and attempt to parse as any of:

  • XML
  • YAML
  • JSON

The result will then be available to all policy evaluations under data.http.users.

Example Call

If the referenced HTTP endpoint responds with the following JSON document,

{"username": "alice", "roles": ["admin"]},
{"username": "bob", "roles": []},
{"username": "catherine", "roles": ["viewer"]}

then Enterprise OPA's data.http.users will look like this:

curl ""
"result": [
"roles": [
"username": "alice"
"roles": [],
"username": "bob"
"roles": [
"username": "catherine"

The key below data in the configuration (http.users in the example) can be anything you want, and determines where the retrieved document will be found in Enterprise OPA's data hierarchy.

Data Transformations

The rego_transform attribute specifies the path to a rule used to transform data pulled from the HTTP endpoint into a different format for storage in Enterprise OPA.

rego_transform policies take incoming messages as JSON via input.incoming and returns the transformed JSON.


If our data.e2e.transform policy is:

package e2e
import future.keywords
transform.users[id] := d {
entry := input.incoming
id :=
d := entry.userId

And the normal response of the HTTP API endpoint is:

"userId": "admin",
"id": "id01",
"title": "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",

Then the data retrieved by the HTTP API after transformation would be:

curl "${ENTERPRISE_OPA_URL}/v1/data/http/users?pretty"
"result": {
"users": {
"id01": "admin"