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Kafka Datasource Configuration

Enterprise OPA's support for Apache Kafka makes it possible to stream data updates to Enterprise OPA. This can be useful when events representing changes to data used in policy evaluation are available on a Kafka topic (CDC, change data capture).

Example Configuration

The Kafka integration is provided through the data plugin, and needs to be enabled in Enterprise OPA's configuration.


# enterprise-opa-conf.yaml
type: kafka
- broker:29092
- users
rego_transform: "data.e2e.transform"

In addition to the minimal configuration above, note the following:

  • The kafka.messages key will be used as a "namespace" by the plug-in, and will have Enterprise OPA use data.kafka.messages for data ingested through Kafka. Use the name makes the most sense for your application.
  • The topics array will be the Kafka topics from which Enterprise OPA uses consume the messages.
  • The rego_transform attribute allows using a message transformer on incoming message batches.
  • The consumer_group boolean defines if the data plugin should form its own consumer group.

Consumer Group

Due to the way Kafka works, multiple instances of Enterprise OPA cannot form a consumer group: they would each only see a subset of the data. However, it is possible to have each Kafka data plugin register its own consumer group (of one member). The benefit is that you can gather information about its lag through standard Kafka tooling.

Consumer groups will have a name of eopa_<INSTANCE_ID>_<MOUNT_POINT>. For example, our example above would use the group name eopa_<INSTANCE_ID>_kafka.messages. <INSTANCE_ID> is a UUID that changes with each startup of an Enterprise OPA instance.

Consumer Offset

The default configuration will retrieve all messages persisted for the requested topic.

To only consume messages starting from a certain point in time, you can configure from to one of:

  • "start": consume all messages (default)
  • "end": consume from the end, i.e., all new messages from the point of connecting
  • a duration, e.g. "1h", to get all messages starting from those published 1 hour ago.

For example, a configuration that subscribes to messages starting from those published not more than ten minutes ago, is:

type: kafka
- broker:29092
- users
from: 10m
rego_transform: "data.e2e.transform"

Message Transformers

The rego_transform attribute specifies the path to a rule used to transform incoming messages via input.incoming into a format suitable for storage in Enterprise OPA. The raw input provided for each transform should be familiar to most Kafka users:

"headers": "eyJzb21lIjogImhlYWRlciB2YWx1ZSJ9",
"key": "",
"timestamp": 1675346581,
"topic": "users",
"value": "eyJwYXlpbmciOiAiYXR0ZW50aW9uIn0"

Most of the attributes are optional (for example, their values may be empty), and the base64-encoded value is typically used.

rego_transform policies take a batch of one or more incoming messages as input and return the desired state of the data store of Enterprise OPA. Policies also have access to the data already stored via input.previous. Policies might perform operations such as:

  • Filtering out or target operations for messages from a particular topic
  • Select to ingest only certain fields from the message
  • Switch between adding or removing data from the data store by implementing their own merge strategy

An example policy which applies a transformation to messages from the users topic is shown below:

package e2e

import rego.v1

_payload(msg) := json.unmarshal(base64.decode(msg.value))

# this collects all IDs of the messages in a batch
batch_ids contains _payload(msg).id if some msg in input.incoming

# incoming messages are parsed and stored under their ID payload field
transform[] := val if {
some msg in input.incoming
msg.topic == "users"

payload := _payload(msg)
val := object.filter(payload, ["name", "roles"])

# if no new data came in for a certain message, we'll retain the data
# stored previously
transform[key] := val if {
some key, val in input.previous
not key in batch_ids

Notes on Transforms


Messages are consumed by the Rego transform in batches. When an Enterprise OPA instance connects to a Kafka cluster, those batches can become large -- many messages have to be ingested to get up to speed.

It's possible that multiple messages concerning the same ID are in one batch. Due to the way Rego evaluation works, this leads to an "object insert conflict" (see here for details on this error type).

To avoid that, it needs to be accounted for in the transform. One way to do that is to ensure that the messages considered for the transform rule are the most up-to-date ones.

For example, let's assume our messages on a topic come with an increasing counter as key, and that we have multiple of them in a batch, like these:

"key": 10,
"value": {
"id": 1,
"name": "alice"
"key": 12,
"value": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Alice"

The following transform could be used to only select the most recent message for transformation:

package e2e

import rego.v1

_payload(msg) := json.unmarshal(base64.decode(msg.value))
_key(msg) := json.unmarshal(base64.decode(msg.key))

batch_ids contains id if some id, _ in incoming_latest

transform[] := val if {
some msg in incoming_latest
payload := _payload(msg)
val := object.filter(payload, ["name"])

transform[key] := val if {
some key, val in input.previous
not key in batch_ids

# `incoming` groups the messages of the batch by their payload ID, into an object
# whose keys are the message keys (we're assuming their are increasing integers here)
incoming[id][key] := msg if {
some msg in input.incoming
key := _key(msg)
id := _payload(msg).id

# `incoming_latest` picks the latest message of each group, by picking the maximum index.
incoming_latest[id] := msg if {
some id, batch in incoming
ks := [ k | some k, _ in batch ]
latest := max(ks)
msg := batch[latest]

Change Feeds

All transforms need to declare the end result of incorporating the incoming data, by appropriately transforming and merging input.incoming and input.previous.

If your message payload contains "create"/"update"/"delete" events like in a change feed, you can make that work with the Rego transform as follows:

batch_ids contains id if some id, _ in incoming_latest

transform[] := val if {
some msg in incoming_latest
payload := _payload(msg)
payload.type != "delete"
val := object.filter(payload, ["name"])

transform[key] := val if {
some key, val in input.previous
not key in batch_ids

# for `incoming_latest` see snippet above

Here, batch_ids contains the incoming IDs, and since we

  1. ignore previous data (from input.previous) for IDs from batch_ids, and
  2. ignore incoming data if its type is "delete",

we ultimately end up dropping the data of IDs those entries have been marked as deleted on the change feed.

Further reading