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Rego Cheat Sheet

All code examples on this page share this preamble:

package cheat
import rego.v1

Rules - The building blocks of Rego

Single-Value Rules

Single-value rules assign a single value. In older documentation, these are sometimes referred to as "complete rules". (Try It)


"user": {
"role": "admin",
"internal": true
default allow := false

allow if {
input.user.role == "admin"

default request_quota := 100

request_quota := 1000 if input.user.internal

request_quota := 50 if input.user.plan.trial

Multi-Value Set Rules

Multi-value set rules generate and assign a set of values to a variable. In older documentation these are sometimes referred to as "partial set rules". (Try It)


"user": {
"teams": [

paths contains "/handbook/*"

paths contains path if {
some team in input.user.teams
path := sprintf("/teams/%v/*", [team])

Multi-Value Object Rules

Multi-value object rules generate and assign a set of keys and values to a variable. In older documentation these are sometimes referred to as "partial object rules". (Try It)


"paths": [

# Creates an object with sets as the values.
paths_by_prefix[prefix] contains path if {
some path in input.paths
parts := split(path, "/")
prefix := parts[0]

Iteration - Make quick work of collections


Name local query variables. (Try It)

all_regions := {
"emea": {"west", "east"},
"na": {"west", "east", "central"},
"latam": {"west", "east"},
"apac": {"north", "south"},

allowed_regions contains region_id if {
some area, regions in all_regions

some region in regions
region_id := sprintf("%s_%s", [area, region])


Check conditions on many elements. (Try It)


"userID": "u123",
"paths": [
allow if {
prefix := sprintf("/docs/%s/", [input.userID])
every path in input.paths {
startswith(path, prefix)

Control Flow - Handle different conditions

Logical AND

Statements in rules are joined with logical AND. (Try It)


"email": ""
valid_staff_email if {

# and
endswith(, "")

Logical OR

Express OR with multiple rules, functions or the in keyword. (Try It)


"email": "",
"name": "anna",
"method": "GET"
# using multiple rules
valid_email if endswith(, "")

valid_email if endswith(, "")

valid_email if endswith(, "")

# using functions
allowed_firstname(name) if {
startswith(name, "a")
count(name) > 2

allowed_firstname("joe") # if name == 'joe'

valid_name if {

# using `in`
valid_request if {
input.method in {"GET", "POST"}

Testing - Validate your policy's behavior


Override input and data using the with keyword. (Try It)

allow if input.admin == true

test_allow_when_admin if {
allow with input as {"admin": true}

Debugging - Find and fix problems


Use print in rules to inspect values at runtime. (Try It)

allowed_users := {"alice", "bob", "charlie"}

allow if {
some user in allowed_users
input.user == user

Comprehensions - Rework and process collections


Produce ordered collections, maintaining duplicates. (Try It)

doubled := [m |
some n in [1, 2, 3, 3]
m := n * 2


Produce unordered collections without duplicates. (Try It)

unique_doubled contains m if {
some n in [10, 20, 30, 20, 10]
m := n * 2


Produce key:value data. Note, keys must be unique. (Try It)

is_even[number] := is_even if {
some number in [1, 2, 3, 4]
is_even := (number % 2) == 0

Builtins - Handy functions for common tasks


Pattern match and replace string data. (Try It)

example_string := "Build Policy as Code with OPA!"

check_match if regex.match(`\w+`, example_string)

check_replace := regex.replace(example_string, `\s+`, "_")


Check and transform strings. (Try It)

example_string := "Build Policy as Code with OPA!"

check_contains if contains(example_string, "OPA")
check_startswith if startswith(example_string, "Build")
check_endswith if endswith(example_string, "!")
check_replace := replace(example_string, "OPA", "Styra")
check_sprintf := sprintf("OPA is %s!", ["awesome"])


Summarize data. (Try It)

vals := [5, 1, 4, 2, 3]
vals_count := count(vals)
vals_max := max(vals)
vals_min := min(vals)
vals_sorted := sort(vals)
vals_sum := sum(vals)

Objects: Extracting Data

Work with key value and nested data. (Try It)

obj := {"userid": "18472", "roles": [{"name": "admin"}]}

# paths can contain array indexes too
val := object.get(obj, ["roles", 0, "name"], "missing")

defaulted_val := object.get(
["roles", 0, "permissions"], # path
"unknown", # default if path is missing

keys := object.keys(obj)

Objects: Transforming Data

Manipulate and make checks on objects. (Try It)

unioned := object.union({"foo": true}, {"bar": false})

subset := object.subset(
{"foo": true, "bar": false},
{"foo": true}, # subset object

removed := object.remove(
{"foo": true, "bar": false},
{"bar"}, # remove keys

The Rego Cheat Sheet is maintained by Styra, the creators of OPA, and the Styra community. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to get involved, please join us on our Slack.