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Google GS Bucket Access

Styra DAS supports Google GS bucket systems. This document describes how to setup an GCP IAM Role, Service Account, and G3 buckets for secure DAS GS access. GS buckets can be utilized in bundle registry, decision log, and activity log exporters.

Using /v1/workspace/S3Config API

Google GS buckets are configured from the following data elements:

  • Bucket URL. For example, gs://styra-storage/folder.
  • Custom endpoint. For example,
  • Region. For example, us-east1 or auto.
  • Access Key.
  • Secret.

The Styra DAS UI hides the URL gs://, s3://, and azblob:// prefixes.

Verify Example, /v1/workspace/s3/verify-config:

curl --request POST \
--url ''$DAS_TENANT'/v1/workspace/s3/verify-config' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer '$DAS_WORKSPACE_TOKEN'' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data \
"url": "gs://styra-storage/decisions",
"endpoint": ""
"region": "auto",
"access_keys": "workspace/decision-streaming/decisions/s3",

Secure Google GS bucket access

Use Google IAM Management Console

Perform the following steps to create new user, setup permissions, and collect the access keys.


The names styra, Styra Storage Object, StyraServiceAccount, and styra-storage are used as illustrations and can be changed to follow any enterprise naming conventions.

  1. Create a new Google Custom Role from existing Storage Object Admin.

    Figure 1 - Create a new Google Custom RoleFigure 1 - Create a new Google Custom Role

  2. Create Role Styra Storage Object.

    Figure 2 - Create RoleFigure 2 - Create Role

    • Set the created role name to Styra Storage Object.

    • Remove the following permissions:

      • resourcemanager.project.get
      • storage.object.getIamPolicy
      • storage.object.setIamPolicy
    • Select only the following permissions:

      • orgpolicy.policy.get
      • storage.objects.create
      • storage.objects.delete
      • storage.objects.get
      • storage.objects.list
      • storage.objects.update
    • Click the Create button.

Use Google Storage Manager

Perform the following Google Cloud Platform actions:


Styra recommends you setup Service Account HMAC to control access to buckets.

  1. Navigate to Cloud Storage >> Settings page.

    Figure 3 - Cloud Storage SettingsFigure 3 - Cloud Storage Settings

    • Select the Interoperability tab and then Create a key for another service account.

    • Select Create New Account.

    Figure 4 - Create a New Google Storage Service AccountFigure 4 - Create a New Google Storage Service Account

    • Set the name to StyraServiceAccount.

    • Click on the CREATE AND CONTINUE button.

    • Save the account Access key and Secret for later use when configuring DAS GS components.

  2. Navigate to Cloud Storage >> Browser and select the CREATE BUCKET button.

    Figure 5 - Create a Google Storage BucketFigure 5 - Create a Google Storage Bucket


    Styra recommends you to enable Enforce public access prevention on this bucket and set a lifecycle policy.