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Creating an Amazon API Gateway System

To create an Amazon API Gateway System, complete the following steps.

  1. Login to the Styra DAS UI.
  2. In System, click Add. The Create System dialog box appears.
  3. For System Type, select Amazon API Gateway.
  4. Type in the System Name.
  5. (Optional) Type the description for the System.
  6. (Optional) To use the Quick Start, toggle Launch Quick Start to Yes. After the System is added, the Quick Start sidebar will guide you through configuring the System.
  7. (Optional) In Advanced Leave the Show errors switch to Yes to display errors.
  8. (Optional) In Advanced Use Read-only to prevent users from editing policies in the Styra DAS UI and only allows policies to be edited through the Styra API.
  9. Click Create System. The System pane appears.

The Amazon API Gateway System is created.