Deploying OPA on AWS EC2
In this section, we'll explore how to deploy OPA on AWS EC2 instances. EC2 provides a flexible way to run OPA outside of a containerized environment, making it well suited for various use cases where integration with existing EC2 applications is required. When not running OPA as a container, running OPA on EC2 instances is a common pattern for the following use cases:
- You need to run OPA adjacent to an existing Policy Enforcement Point (PEP, e.g. an application) running on EC2 and need OPA to be on the same host to ensure low latency policy evaluations.
- You have mature tooling to aid the deployment of services to EC2 and OPA is a new addition to your stack.
- You just need to get an OPA instance up and running quickly for testing or development purposes.
This guide will walk you through the steps for setting up and managing OPA as a Policy Decision Point (PDP) on Amazon's EC2 service.
Choosing a Machine Image
While OPA can run on almost any EC2 instance type, a Linux-based machine image is recommended.
It also is recommended to use a service manager to run OPA. This will ensure that OPA is started at boot time and restarted if it crashes. This guide will use Systemd as the service manager as this is what is used on the most commonly used AMIs in EC2. The following older operating systems do not use Systemd: Amazon Linux 1, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 6, RHEL 6, Alpine Linux and are not covered in this guide.
If you are unsure of which AMI to use, then please run OPA on the latest Amazon Linux AMI.
Choosing an Instance Type
The instance type you choose is based on the expected load and memory requirements of the data needed for policy evaluation once loaded into OPA. While OPA itself is lightweight, in some cases, the data required for policy evaluation is large datasets of users, roles and other information that may be required to make a decision.
Users are always recommended to benchmark the memory performance of OPA with their data loaded. Read more about OPA Resource Utilization.
Using an instance size smaller than t3.small
is not recommended.
For readers looking to add an OPA process to run alongside their existing EC2 application within the same instance, it is recommended to verify that also running OPA will not cause performance issues on the instance before selecting an instance type for production use.
Networking Considerations
Public IP Addresses: are typically not required for OPA deployments. PEP callers of OPA are generally other services acting as a Policy Enforcement Point, rather than end user devices. If exposing an OPA instance running on EC2 to the internet, it is recommended to use OPA's own Authentication and Authorization functionality to secure the API and to run OPA behind a reverse proxy or load balancer.
Security Group Rules: If OPA to be accessed from PEPs running in
AWS, then you will need to permit inbound traffic on the port that OPA is
listening on. The default port for OPA is 8181
. It is also recommended to
restrict the source IP addresses to only those that need to access OPA.
When OPA need only be accessed from the virtual machine it is running on, OPA
should be configured to listen on localhost
User Data Script
Once you have chosen the specifications for your EC2 instance, it's time to install and run OPA.
Setting a user data script when creating an EC2 instance to install and run OPA is the recommended way to create a new EC2 instance with OPA installed if you are not creating a custom AMI with OPA pre-installed. This section shows a user data script that will install and run OPA. In summary, the script will:
- Download the OPA binary for the latest release.
- Download the OPA configuration file from Styra DAS.
- Start OPA using Systemd with this configuration file listening on port
Before continuing, please ensure you have the following information:
- DAS API Token:
- DAS System ID:
- DAS Tenant URL:
- OPA Version: , e.g.
. Review the OPA releases on GitHub.
Please use the user data shell script below to install and run OPA:
#!/bin/bash curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/opa chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/opa cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/opa.service [Unit] Description=Open Policy Agent StartLimitInterval=60 StartLimitBurst=4 [Service] ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer " -o /run/opa/opa-conf.yaml "/v1/systems//assets/opa-config" ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/opa run --server --addr= --config-file=/run/opa/opa-conf.yaml RuntimeDirectory=opa WorkingDirectory=/run/opa Restart=always RestartSec=5 Restart=on-failure DynamicUser=yes ProtectSystem=full PrivateTmp=yes [Install] EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable opa.service systemctl start opa.service
Further Reading
- SDKs for building PEP applications in your language of choice.