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rego_type_error: multiple default rules {name} found

The default keyword is used to define a base value for a rule that will be used if the other rules do not match. default is a special case, and only one such case can be defined per rule. This error is raised when multiple default rules are found for a single rule.

compilationrego_type_errormultiple default rules {name} found


A trivial example of a policy that contains this error is this one, where we have two defaults defined for the allow rule:

package policy

import rego.v1

default allow := false

allow if {
"admin" in input.roles

default allow := false

Real world examples are often harder to spot as there might be more Rego code between the two definitions. It's also possible that the default rules are spread across multiple files. For example:

# main.rego
package policy

import rego.v1

default allow := false
# admin.rego
package policy

import rego.v1

default allow := false

allow if {
"admin" in input.roles

If we were to run OPA loading these two files, we would see the error:

$ opa run -s *.rego
... admin.rego:5: rego_type_error: multiple default rules data.policy.allow found

How To Fix It

In almost all cases, if you have an error like this: multiple default rules data.policy.allow found, searching for default allow in your Rego files will show up the various duplicates.

Just remember that they could be spread across multiple files, and you want to make sure to check only within the package in the error message, policy in our example above.


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