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Rego Built-in Function: print

The print keyword is used in Rego to log messages to the console for debugging purposes. The function accepts one or more arguments and prints them to the console.

print(1) # prints 1

# use multiple arguments
print(1, 2, 3) # prints 1 2 3

# use arguments of different types
print("hello", "world", { "foo": "bar"}) # prints hello world {"foo": "bar"}

Determining if or how many times a line of code has run

Sometimes when working on a policy it can be helpful to know if a line of code is even being run at all. Take the following example where the allow rule depends on the contents of the my_data rule.

package example

import rego.v1

my_data["numbers"] := [1,2,3]

allow if {
some number in my_data.nummers
number == 3

Due to the typo in this example, the print statement will never run. After correcting the typo, the print statement will run and print the numbers 1, 2, and 3. This information can be helpful in getting to the source of an unexpected result.

Checking the value of a variable at a specific point

In a policy, sometimes the value of a variable might not be known until runtime. Using print statements can be a good way to check what a value is.

package example

import rego.v1

allow if {

input.user == "alice"

Checking the values of variables in tests

Using print when running opa test can help you quickly identify what values are and make adjustments as needed.

package example

import rego.v1

default allow := false

allow if {
print("user", input.user)

input.user == "alice"
package example

import rego.v1

test_allow_with_bob if {
allow with input as {"user": "bob"}

Now, when we run our tests, we can see the value of input.user in the console.

$ opa test policy.rego policy_test.rego
data.example.test_allow_with_bob: FAIL (2.20725ms)

user bob

FAIL: 1/1

When not to use print

As we've seen, print comes in handy in lots of different places but it's not appropriate for all situations.

  • Printing in production: It's generally not a good idea to leave print statements in your policy when it's running in production as this can expose sensitive information (see print-or-trace-call).

    In production, you are likely looking for Decision Logging which has support for redacting information.

  • Showing information to users or callers of OPA. Print output is only visible during evaluation and isn't shared in any way as part of the response from OPA. In these cases, you should look into returning a message or set of messages as part of the response.

Further Reading