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Using @styra/opa with React


npm install @styra/opa-react

Scaffolding: <AuthzProvider>

To be able to use the <Authz> component and useAuthz hook, the application needs to be able to access the AuthzContext. The simplest way to make that happen is to wrap your <App> into <AuthzProvider>.

Add these imports to the file that defines your App function:

import { AuthzProvider } from "@styra/opa-react";
import { OPAClient } from "@styra/opa";

Then instantiate an OPAClient that is able to reach your OPA server, and pass that along to <AuthzProvider>:

const serverURL = "https://opa.internal";

export default function App() {
const [opaClient] = useState(() => new OPAClient(serverURL));

// other initialization logic

return (
<AuthzProvider opaClient={opaClient}>
{ /* your application JSX elements */ }

See the API docs for all supported properties of AuthzProvider. Only opaClient is mandatory.

If your OPA instance is reverse-proxied with a prefix of /opa/ instead, you can use window.location to configure the OPAClient:

const [opaClient] = useState(() => {
const href = window.location.toString();
const u = new URL(href);
u.pathname = "opa"; // if /opa/* is reverse-proxied to your OPA service = "";
return new OPAClient(u.toString())

To provide a user-specific header, let's say from your frontend's authentication machinery, you could do this:

const { user, tenant } = useAuthn(); // assuming there's some hook for authentication

const [opaClient] = useState(() => {
return new OPAClient(serverURL, {
headers: {
"X-Tenant": tenant,
"X-User": user,
}, [user, tenant]);

Controlling UI elements

The <Authz> component provides a high-level approach to letting your UI react to policy evaluation results.

For example, to disable a button based on the outcome of a policy evaluation of data.things.allow with input {"action": "delete", "resource": "thing"}, you would add this to your JSX:

input={{ action: "delete", resource: "thing" }}
<button disabled={true}>Delete Thing</button>
<button>Delete Thing</button>

See the API docs for all supported properties of Authz:

  • loading allows you to control what's rendered while still waiting for a result.
  • path and fromResult can fall back to defaultPath and defaultFromResult of AuthzProvider respectively, and
  • input can be merged with the defaultInput of AuthzProvider.

Full control: useAuthz hook

<Authz> is a convenience-wrapper around the useAuthz hook. If it is insufficient for your use case, you can reach to useAuthz for more control.

Avoid repetition of controlled UI elements in code

In the example above, we had to define <button> twice: once for when the user is authorized, and as fallback when they are not. We can avoid this by using useAuthz:

export default function MyComponent() {
return <button>Delete Thing</button>;
const { result: allowed, isLoading } = useAuthz("things/allow", {
action: "delete",
resource: "thing",

if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;

return <button disabled={!allowed}>Delete Thing</button>;