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Using gRPC from TypeScript

To use the Enterprise OPA gRPC API from TypeScript, we're relying on the SDKs generated from the Protobuf Schema published on Buf.


Add the registry to your NPM setup (only needs to be done once):

npm config set @buf:registry

Install the generated SDK:

npm install @buf/styra_enterprise-opa.connectrpc_es@latest \
@bufbuild/protobuf@^1.10.0 \

Usage Example

This code requests the equivalent of POST /v1/data/my/policy with input via gRPC:

import { createPromiseClient } from "@connectrpc/connect";
import { createGrpcTransport } from "@connectrpc/connect-node";
import { Struct } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

// generated code served from Buf Schema Registry
import { DataService } from "@buf/styra_enterprise-opa.connectrpc_es/eopa/data/v1/data_connect";
import {
} from "@buf/styra_enterprise-opa.bufbuild_es/eopa/data/v1/data_pb.js";

const transport = createGrpcTransport({
baseUrl: "",
httpVersion: "2",
const client = createPromiseClient(DataService, transport);

const input = Struct.fromJsonString(`{ "hello": "world" }`);
const req = new GetDataRequest({
path: "/my/policy", // ""
input: new InputDocument({ document: input }),

const resp = await client.getData(req);
console.log(resp.result?.document?.toJson()); // => { example: true }

Now run an Enterprise OPA instance serving this Rego,

# policy.rego
package my.policy

import rego.v1

example if input.hello == "world"

with a config enabling gRPC,

# enterprise-opa.yml
addr: localhost:9090

via eopa run --server --config-file enterprise-opa.yml policy.rego, and execute the TypeScript code:

node --import tsx index.ts
{ example: true }

For the full package.json, and the example configuration of Enterprise OPA, please see the examples repository.
