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Install OPA-based Entitlements Service

The Entitlements System makes it easy to run an OPA-based service on any cloud, in any region, or on any cluster where applications need Entitlements decisions. Like all System types, Styra DAS provides installation instructions that make running that OPA-based Entitlement’s service as easy as possible.

The installation instructions for Entitlements are located on Your System > Settings > Install and provides the following options:

  • OPA CLI: This option makes it easy to run the OPA-based Entitlement System on your laptop for debugging purposes.
  • Install K8s kubectl: This option configures kubectl to install OPA-based Entitlements service.
  • Entitlements playground: This Docker based option helps you run it on your laptop along with a sample application that helps you interact with that OPA-based Entitlements service. The Entitlements playground is the preferred mechanism when testing new policies or showing presentations to others.