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View Activity in Monitoring

Now, that you have a policy deployed for a system, you can get a high-level, time-based view of the operations requested and the compliance violations detected using the Decisions and Compliance graphs.

To view the activity in Monitoring:

  1. Click on a system name in the left navigation panel.

  2. Click the Monitoring tab.

  3. Review the Decisions graph to see time-series data about the decisions made by the Open Policy Agent, including:

    • The total number of operations requests that OPA has received as an admission controller.
    • How many operations are allowed.
    • How many operations are denied.
    • How many operations resulted in errors during policy evaluation (where OPA returned an error instead of allow or deny).
    • The time required for OPA to make a decision.

    You can drill down into more details by clicking the Decisions tab to see a log of decisions made by OPA for admission control. You can filter the decision log using the Filter field at the bottom of the right pane, then expand individual decisions to see what inputs were provided to OPA when it made a decision.

  4. Review the Compliance graph to see time-series data about the policy violations detected by the Open Policy Agent.