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Summary: Inconsistently named function arguments

Category: Bugs


package policy

find_vars(rule, node) if node in rule

# Order of arguments changed, or at least it looks like it
find_vars(node, rule) if {
walk(rule, [path, value])
# ...


package policy

find_vars(rule, node) if node in rule

find_vars(rule, node) if {
walk(rule, [path, value])
# ...


Whenever a custom function declaration is repeated, the argument names should remain consistent in each declaration.

Inconsistently named function arguments is a likely source of bugs, and should be avoided.


Using wildcards (_) in place of unused arguments is always allowed, and in fact enforced by the compiler:

package policy

find_vars(rule, node) if node in rule

# We don't use `node` here
find_vars(rule, _) if {
walk(rule, [path, value])
# ...

Using pattern matching for equality checks is also allowed.

Configuration Options

This linter rule provides the following configuration options:

# one of "error", "warning", "ignore"
level: error


If you think you've found a problem with this rule or its documentation, would like to suggest improvements, new rules, or just talk about Regal in general, please join us in the #regal channel in the Styra Community Slack!