Summary: Non loop expression in loop
Category: Performance
package policy
allow if {
some email in input.emails
"admin" in input.roles # <- this is not required in the loop
endswith(email, "")
package policy
allow if {
"admin" in input.roles # <- moved out of the loop
some email in input.emails
endswith(email, "")
Expressions in loops are evaluated in each iteration of the loop. Expressions that do not depend on the loop variable should be moved out of the loop to save computation time.
'Loops' in Rego refers to anywhere a rule branches, for example:
some foo, bar in data.baz
foo := data.baz[_]
(prefer usingsome
)walk(data.baz, [path, value])
- ...
This rule cannot yet detect the following cases.
Expressions overly nested in more than one loop:
package policy
allow if {
some role in data.roles
# <--- Should be Here
some permission in data.permissions[role]
startswith(role, "admin-") # <- this is not required in the permission loop
operation.permission == permission
Expressions nested within comprehensions:
package policy
allow if {
roles := {role |
prefix := data.prefix
# <--- Should be Here
some role in data.roles
prefix != "" # <- this is not required in the role loop
startswith(role, prefix)
Configuration Options
This linter rule provides the following configuration options:
# one of "error", "warning", "ignore"
level: error
Related Resources
- Regal Docs: defer-assignment
- GitHub: Source Code
If you think you've found a problem with this rule or its documentation, would like to suggest improvements, new rules,
or just talk about Regal in general, please join us in the #regal
channel in the Styra Community