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Summary: Ambiguous metadata scope

Category: Idiomatic


package policy

# description: allow is true if the user is admin, or the requested resource is public
allow if user_is_admin

allow if public_resource


package policy

# description: allow is true if the user is admin, or the requested resource is public
# scope: document
allow if user_is_admin

allow if public_resource

Or (scope rule implied, but all incremental definitions are annotated)

package policy

# description: allow is true if the user is admin
allow if user_is_admin

# description: allow is true if the requested resource is public
allow if public_resource

Or (scope rule explicit)

package policy

# description: allow is true if the user is admin
# scope: rule
allow if user_is_admin

allow if public_resource


The default scope for metadata annotating a rule is the rule scope, which "applies to the individual rule statement" only. This default is sensible for a rule defined only once, but is somewhat ambiguous for a rule defined incrementally, like the allow rule in the examples above. Was the intention really to annotate that single definition, or the rule as whole? Most likely the latter, and that's what the document scope is for.

If only a single rule in a group of incremental rule definitions is annotated, it should have it's scope set explicitly to either document or rule. If all incremental definitions are annotated, explicit scope: rule is not required.


If a single incremental rule definition is annotated as entrypoint: true, this rule will allow that.

Configuration Options

This linter rule provides the following configuration options:

# one of "error", "warning", "ignore"
level: error


If you think you've found a problem with this rule or its documentation, would like to suggest improvements, new rules, or just talk about Regal in general, please join us in the #regal channel in the Styra Community Slack!