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Summary: Missing entrypoint annotation

Category: Idiomatic

Type: Aggregate - only runs when more than one file is provided for linting


package policy

default allow := false

# Nothing wrong with this rule, but an
# entrypoint should be documented as such
allow if user_is_admin
allow if public_resource_read

user_is_admin if {
some role in input.user.roles
role in data.permissions.admin_roles

public_resource_read if {
input.request.method == "GET"
input.request.path[0] == "public"


package policy

default allow := false

# description: Allow only admins, or reading public resources
# entrypoint: true
allow if user_is_admin
allow if public_resource_read

user_is_admin if {
some role in input.user.roles
role in data.permissions.admin_roles

public_resource_read if {
input.request.method == "GET"
input.request.path[0] == "public"


Defining one or more entrypoints for your policies is a good practice to follow. An entrypoint is simply a package or rule that is meant to be queried for decisions from the outside. While it might seem obvious to the policy author which rules are meant to be queried, adding an extra line of two of metadata will help make it obvious to others.

Marking a package or rule via an entrypoint annotation attribute not only provides good documentation for others, but also unlocks programmatic possibilities, like:

  1. Your policy library may be compiled to WebAssembly without extra entrypoint arguments
  2. Your policy library may be compiled to an intermediate representation (IR) format without extra entrypoint arguments
  3. External applications may present your entrypoints as part of rendered documentation
  4. External applications may use your entrypoints to know what to evaluate
  5. External applications — like Regal — may use this information to determine what other rules are used or not

Configuration Options

This linter rule provides the following configuration options:

# one of "error", "warning", "ignore"
level: error


If you think you've found a problem with this rule or its documentation, would like to suggest improvements, new rules, or just talk about Regal in general, please join us in the #regal channel in the Styra Community Slack!