Summary: External reference in function
Category: Style
package policy
# Depends on both `input` and `data`
is_preferred_login_method(method) if {
preferred_login_methods := {login_method |
some login_method in data.authentication.all_login_methods
login_method in input.user.login_methods
method in preferred_login_methods
package policy
# Depends only on function arguments
is_preferred_login_method(method, user, all_login_methods) if {
preferred_login_methods := {login_method |
some login_method in all_login_methods
login_method in user.login_methods
method in preferred_login_methods
What separates functions from rules is that they accept arguments. While a function too may reference anything from
, data
or other rules declared in a policy, these references create dependencies that aren't obvious simply by
checking the function signature, and it makes it harder to reuse that function in other contexts. Additionally,
functions that only depend on their arguments are easier to test standalone.
Rego does not provide first-class functions — functions can't be passed as arguments to other functions. Therefore, this rule allows functions to freely reference (i.e. call) other functions, whether built-in functions, or custom functions defined in the same package or elsewhere, and these do not count as "external references" simply because there is not other way to import them into the function body.
package policy
first_name(full_name) := capitalized {
first_name := split(full_name, " ")[0]
# while data.utils.capitalize is an external reference, it's not flagged
# as such, since there is no way to import it via function arguments
capitalized := data.utils.capitalize(first_name)
Configuration Options
This linter rule provides the following configuration options:
# one of "error", "warning", "ignore"
level: error
Related Resources
- Rego Style Guide: Prefer using arguments over input, data or rule references
- GitHub: Source Code
If you think you've found a problem with this rule or its documentation, would like to suggest improvements, new rules,
or just talk about Regal in general, please join us in the #regal
channel in the Styra Community