Summary: File should be formatted with opa fmt
Category: Style
Automatically fixable: Yes
Inconsistent style across policy files and repositories.
The opa fmt
tool ensures consistent formatting across teams and projects. Unified formatting is a big win, and saves a
lot of time in code reviews arguing over details around style.
A good idea could be to run opa fmt --write
on save, which can be configured in most editors.
Tip: opa fmt
uses tabs for indentation. By default, GitHub uses 8 spaces to display tabs, which is arguably a bit
much. You can change this preference for your account in github.com/settings/appearance
, or provide an .editorconfig
file in your policy repository, which will be used by GitHub (and other tools) to properly display your Rego files:
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
OPA Format with Rego v1 and v0
OPA 1.0 makes Rego v1 the default. This change mandated some changes to the
functionality of the opa fmt
command and a number of new options for working
with mixed version code bases. See the
OPA documentation
for the command's options.
In Regal, a v0 file will have the opa-fmt
violation unless it's been formatted
with opa fmt --v0-v1
. A v1 file will have the opa-fmt
violation unless it's
been formatted with opa fmt
(the rego.v1 keyword is permitted but not added).
When formatting, a file expected to be v1 based on the configuration, but with
v0 syntax is still formatted as opa fmt –-v0-v1
. Please see
Configuring Rego Version
for more configuration help for multi version projects.
Configuration Options
This linter rule provides the following configuration options:
# one of "error", "warning", "ignore"
level: error
Related Resources
- OPA Docs: CLI Reference
opa fmt
If you think you've found a problem with this rule or its documentation, would like to suggest improvements, new rules,
or just talk about Regal in general, please join us in the #regal
channel in the Styra Community