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Release Notes for Self-Hosted Styra DAS

Self-Hosted Styra DAS 0.16.5 was released on February 10th, 2024.

New Features and Changes

Beta UI Additions

All user roles can now switch to the New UI via the User menu. Added Workspace-level decision details view. Added usage summary to Workspace home, displaying a summary of decision log volume, system count, and Kubernetes node count. Added support for searching by id for Systems and Stacks. Added UI light theme.

Upgraded to OPA v1.0.1

The internal version of OPA used by Styra DAS has been upgraded to OPA 1.0.1. Bundles in DAS will continue to be built in Rego v0 compatibility mode and will be fully backwards compatible. The DAS UI policy editor will continue to function in Rego v0 compatibility mode unless import rego.v1 is added to a policy file.

Systems API pagination

The ListSystems API operation now supports pagination using limit and offset.

Limit local login users when using SSO

For tenants using SSO and who have disabled local login (login with email and password), users with the WorkspaceAdministrator role could still login with email and password, for example in situations where the SSO provider may be experiencing an outage. Tenants can now further limit local login override to specific users.

Logreplay v2 available to PostgreSQL DB self-hosted installs

Self-hosted customers using the PostgreSQL DB data layer option can now enable the Logreplay v2 API by setting the LOG_REPLAY_V2_ENABLED feature flag to true.

Fixed Issues

WorkspaceSystemCreator user had no access to DAS

For a user with only the WorkspaceSystemCreator role and with no permissions for any Systems, Stacks, or Libraries, the UI incorrectly showed a no permissions message.

Kubernetes System bundle size increases with large number of Systems and Stacks

For tenants with hundreds of Kubernetes Systems with many Stacks which apply to most Systems, the policy bundle size for Kubernetes Systems could grow due to the System to Stack mappings.

Inconsistent /v1/activity pagination results with large counts

When using the buffered activity logger (activity logger v2), API calls to /v1/activity using a large count could result in inconsistent log results.

Agentloader v2 Kafka decision export error

When Agentloader v2 was enabled with a self-hosted install using the PostgreSQL DB data layer, decision export to Kafka would fail.

Systems API error when fetching System details after creation

Fetching a System via API by its id (GetSystem) immediately after creating the System could result in an error response if a bundle was not present in the System. This could occur if the GetSystem API call was made before the first bundle finished building or if all policies were deleted via the API from the System resulting in no bundle build.