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Release Notes for Styra DAS

Styra DAS 0.2.0 was released on June 18, 2019.

Release Summary

Styra is built on the Open Policy Agent (OPA), a popular and widely deployed open source project developed by the founders of Styra. With primary credibility for the underlying technology, the Styra team and technology are both proven in production across verticals. Styra enables enterprises to define, enforce, validate, and continually monitor security, compliance and operational policies across the cloud-native application stack. Styra has reinvented the authorization solutions to mitigate customer risk, and reinforce commitment to trust and transparency in safeguarding customers’ data. Styra’s Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) is a sophisticated management plane that provides context-based guardrail, built from a graphical policy library to mitigate risk, reduce human error and accelerate development. Styra makes it possible for enterprises to implement policy-as-code controls and to prove their effectiveness to both internal and external security and compliance audiences.

This release provides new features and enhancements to improve the user experience.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Git Save Support: When you finish authoring your policies, you can now store your policies in a Git repository. Each Kubernetes system can be individually configured to use Git backend. Upon change reviews and merge to master, Styra fetches policy bundles from Git and distributes them to Open Policy Agents (OPAs) running on clusters.

  • CICD Support: Starting from this release, you can implement policy checks of Kubernetes configuration YAML files in your CICD pipeline using Styra CLI. Styra also provides out-of-the-box integrations for both CircleCI and Github.

  • Authorization: During user creation or after, you can now choose a role for the user. Currently, two roles are available: Administrator and Viewer. The Administrator role allows a user to control all aspects of the control plane ,while a Viewer role allows a user to see the policies currently enforced.

  • Audit Support: For auditing purposes, all of the actions performed by users, the activity from API calls, and system events are logged. You must navigate to your-workspace >> Settings >> User Activity to see the user activity.