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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for July 2024.

July 31, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240731 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Bundle rego_version parameter

New bundle builds will include rego_version: 0 in the bundle manifest in preparation for OPA v1 release. This ensures bundles will be run in Rego v0 mode once OPA v1 is released. Prior to OPA v1 release in late 2024, any Systems without a new bundle build after this DAS release will automatically have their bundles rebuilt to add the rego_version parameter to ensure compatibility.

Return SSO claims from test SSO connection

During SSO setup, when using the Test Connection feature, the UI will now display the claims returned from the SSO provider to aid in configuring role mappings. If an error occurs during the Test Connection flow, any error returned from the SSO provider will be shown in the UI.

Fixed Issues

Git sync failure for sub-packages with no rego file at root

In certain cases where a Git-backed resource consisted of two or more sub-packages with no Rego files at the root, a Git sync failure could block further Git syncs for that resource.

July 24, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240724 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Addition of PatchWorkspace API

Added the new PatchWorkspace API operation (PATCH /v1/workspace). This operates the same as the UpdateWorkspace API operation (PUT /v1/workspace) without requiring all values to be specified.

Deprecation of GetS3Config and UpdateS3Config APIs

Two redundant APIs have been marked deprecated and will be removed in a future DAS release: GetS3Config (GET /v1/workspace/s3-config) and UpdateS3Config (PUT /v1/workspace/s3-config). Customers who may be using these APIs should transition to use GetWorkspace and UpdateWorkspace, respectively.

July 18, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240718 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

SSO configuration test connection

During SSO setup, users can now test the SSO connection before enabling to ensure the configuration is correct. This will trigger login via the SSO provider and return back to the SSO setup process if the setup is valid.

July 10, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240710 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Upgraded to OPA v0.66.0

The internal version of OPA used by Styra DAS has now been upgraded to OPA 0.66.0.

Policy SBOM enabled for all enterprise customers

The Policy SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) feature has been enabled for all Styra DAS SaaS enterprise customers. For any future bundle builds, the Policy SBOM will be computed by DAS for bundles which include any Git-backed system, stack, or library policies. The Policy SBOM will be added to the bundle's manifest and will be available via the bundles API, providing traceability of policy packages to specific Git repositories and commit SHAs.

Support for Customer-Managed Keys

For customers with organizational requirements for Customer-Managed Key usage in Styra DAS SaaS, DAS now supports using a customer's AWS KMS key for additional encryption of customer data in DAS.

Fixed Issues

UI error when passing a set to Kubernetes library rules

Kubernetes system type library rules which allowed for passing in data for rule configuration parameters as an array could cause a UI error if a set was passed into the library rule instead.