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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for September 2024.

September 12, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240912 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Additional Prometheus OPA bundle metrics

Two new Prometheus metrics are now available to track OPA bundle status:

  • opa_missing_active_system_bundle - Reported if OPA does not have a System bundle.
  • opa_not_using_active_system_bundle - Reported if the revision of the System bundle that OPA has does not match the active bundle for the System.

Additional query parameters for Systems APIs

On the ListSystems API operation, the minimum_opa_version, stacks, and migration_history query parameters have been added. On the GetSystem API operation, the rule_counts, authz, metadata, minimum_opa_version and migration_history query parameters have been added.

Rename min_opa_version to minimum_opa_version on Stacks APIs

On the ListStacks and GetStack API operations, the min_opa_version parameter has been renamed to minimum_opa_version for consistency with other APIs.

Datasource agent token permissions updated

To ensure Datasource agents have the correct permissions to report new status details, any existing Datasource agent tokens missing the required permission have been updated.

Datasource Agent v1.5.7 and SLP v0.8.7 released

Datasource Agent v1.5.7 and SLP v0.8.7 have been released with updates to their base images to address recently identified CVEs.

Fixed Issues

UI Rego parser recognizing only first two operands

In conditions with 3 or more operands (e.g., count(data.x | data.y | data.z)), the UI Rego parser only recognized the first two operands.

HandleDecision API resolution field value type unclear

The resolution field in the HandleDecision API operation provided unclear value type requirements. The API has been updated to provide clarity on the value types accepted.

metadata parameter ignored on Stacks APIs

On the ListStacks and GetStack API operations, the metadata parameter did not change API behavior as expected when set to false.

September 5, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240905 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Upgraded to OPA v0.68.0

The internal version of OPA used by Styra DAS has now been upgraded to OPA 0.68.0.

Logreplay v2 enabled for all SaaS enterprise tenants

Any SaaS enterprise tenants which were not already using Logreplay v2 have been moved to the Logreplay v2 API. The Logreplay v2 API introduces performance improvements and supports filtering decision logs to replay by bundle details. The RunLogReplayV2 includes a number of changes to the request and response format when compared to its v1 counterpart. In an upcoming release, the /v1/logreplay API will be marked deprecated and eventually will be removed. Customers using the v1 API are encouraged to migrate to the v2 API.

Improved Systems, Stacks, and Libraries API performance

Optimizations to Stacks and Libraries improve the performance of these APIs, particularly when fetching larger lists of Stacks or Libraries or when fetching a large individual Stack or Library with many packages and policies. This includes the addition of new query parameters to the ListStacks, GetStack, and LibrariesGet API operations to filter the details returned for Stack and Library resources. Initial UI load and UI interactions with Stacks and Libraries will see improved speed as a result of these optimizations, in addition to optimizations to improve the speed of loading a System when opening a System's file tree or navigating to a System.

Limited Release: Improved decision log indexing performance and System-level decision log export configuration

A new decision log ingestion architecture is available in a limited release, supporting a number of performance improvements as well as enabling System-level decision log export configuration for more granular control over decision export targets. Performance improvements include a 10x higher decision indexing rate and improved scaling to process large, sudden spikes in the number of decision logs, reducing the time for decisions to become searchable in DAS and reducing the time to export decisions to external targets. This is now available to a limited set of customers and will be made available to additional customers in staged releases over this and next month (September and October). If you believe your tenant will benefit from the improved decision processing performance or would like early access to System-level decision log export, please contact your Styra account representative to be included in the early staged release phases.