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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for March 2024.

March 13, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240313 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Beta UI Additions

Addition of S3 and GCS datasources for data import. Display status of datasources on Datasource dashboard.

Updated to OPA v0.62.1

The internal version of OPA used by Styra DAS has now been upgraded to OPA 0.62.1.

Library unit testing

Libraries now support the ability to run Rego tests within the DAS UI through the Validate functionality in the Rego editor.

Library impact analysis

Libraries now support the ability to run log replay to replay decisions from Systems which depend on a Library through the Validate functionality in the Rego editor in the DAS UI. This allows Library authors to evaluate the impact of Library-level policy changes on Systems using the Library. Library authors require at least read permissions on decisions in Systems depending on the Library to be able to replay those decisions.

Deploy latest bundle after switching back to automatic deployment

When switching a System from manual to automatic bundle deployment, DAS will now auto-upgrade to the latest current bundle rather than waiting for a new bundle to be built to automatically deploy.

User-defined HTTPS datasource Accept header override

For HTTPS datasources, users can define specific headers for DAS to include when making requests to the specified URL. With each request, DAS includes an Accept header with a default value of the accepted content types. Previously, if a user added an Accept header value to the datasource configuration, DAS would append it to the default Accept header value. With this change, a user-defined Accept header value on an HTTPS datasource will override the value DAS sends by default.

Import rego.v1 instead of future.keywords

The DAS UI Rego editor now auto imports rego.v1 instead of future.keywords.<keyword> by default.

Editor autocomplete behavior

In the DAS UI Rego editor, code autocomplete now auto selects the first suggestion and applies it with Enter or Tab.

Fixed Issues

Increased Git read timeout

In some circumstances, reading the configured Workspace, System, Stack, or Library Git repository to check for updates resulted in a timeout error, in particular for Bitbucket repositories. The Git read timeout has been increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds to reduce the incidence of these request timeouts.

Editor did not auto indent within brackets

Fixed an issue in the DAS UI Rego editor to auto indent if a new line is entered between starting and ending brackets ({} or []).

March 6, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240306 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Beta UI Additions

Addition of user menu in left-hand sidebar. Surface configured Workspace settings on Workspace home page (e.g., Slack integration, monitoring integrations, Terraform integration, decision and user activity exports).

Decision batch processing improvements

Improvements to the speed and efficiency of decision log batch processing.

Fixed Issues

Delay SLP bundle serving until Kubernetes data is pushed to OPA

In scenarios where new OPAs are launched in Kubernetes clusters with frequent admission webhook requests, an OPA could receive a request before fully loading the necessary Kubernetes cluster data. This could result in request failures if the relevant policy required the Kubernetes cluster data. This SLP update prevents an OPA from indicating readiness for webhook requests until it has fully loaded both the Kubernetes cluster data and the policy bundle by delaying the first bundle delivery until all required data is loaded.