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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for January 2024.

January 31, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240131 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Updated to OPA v0.60.0

The internal version of OPA used by Styra DAS has now been upgraded to OPA 0.60.0.

Configure data bundle contents

For systems configured to use separate policy and data bundles, you can now use the Styra DAS UI to configure which data sources to include in the data bundle (i.e., system, stack, library, and global data sources).

Fixed Issues

Fixed future keywords auto import

Fixed an issue in the editor that auto-imported future keywords even when rego.v1 was imported.

Fixed Data Source agent stopped sync

In some cases when running in a Kubernetes cluster, the Styra Data Source agent could stop syncing the data source during an interrupted API call, requiring the Data Source agent to be recreated.

January 24, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240124 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Force publish policy

This feature adds the option to force publish a policy draft in the UI if there is a Rego compile error which would normally prevent publishing. Additionally, Rego parser and Rego compile errors shown in the UI during publishing contain additional details to aid in troubleshooting.

Fixed Issues

Fixed System status latest bundle icon

For manually deployed systems with a new latest bundle available to be deployed, the latest bundle icon in the left-hand System list at times did not load until clicking into that System.

January 17, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240117 release delivers the following changes.

Fixed Issues

Fixed blank System Monitoring and Decisions for users without required permissions

For users with System roles without access to decisions and timeseries metrics, the Monitoring and Decisions tabs were previously shown with no data populated. This change instead hides the Monitoring and Decisions tabs for these users to reduce confusion.

Fixed intermittent missing rule card data in UI

In some cases when loading the policy editor for the first time in a session, rule cards for Styra-built rules in the policy occasionally would not load the rule metadata.

January 12, 2024

The Styra DAS 20240112 release delivers the following changes.

New Features and Changes

Improved Git sync speed

Improved the speed of Git syncs for systems, stacks, and libraries and reduced the time between Git syncs to 60 seconds to more quickly pick up changes in connected Git repos.

Reduced bundle build time

Improved the performance of calculating the minimum OPA version during bundle builds, decreasing the build time for each bundle.

Bundle minimum OPA version shown in Deployments

For bundles with a defined minimum OPA version, that version is shown on the bundle in a System's Deployments tab in the UI.

Enterprise OPA neo4j built-in support

Styra DAS supports defining and mocking Enterprise OPA's neo4j.query built-in in the policy editor.

Fixed Issues

Fixed Data Source Agent timeout causing reporting failure

In some cases a network timeout could cause the Data Source Agent to stop reporting data until restarted.

Fixed policy publishing error when a stack has a Rego compile error

In cases where a policy with a Rego compile error was pushed to a non-matching stack, a system of the same type as the stack could show an error when publishing system policy changes.

Fixed replaying system decision for user without stack role

When replaying a system decision which included stack policies, a user without access to that stack would see an error in the UI.

Fixed SSO config support for multiple = in SSO claims

In the SSO provider claims configuration, the UI would only save the first key/value pair and remove any additional equal signs (=) and values following the additional equal signs.