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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for March 2023.

March 29, 2023

The Styra DAS 20230329 release delivers the following new features.

New Features

This section describes new features.

Library Editing Support

Styra DAS Libraries are collection of functions, pre-compiled routines, or reusable code components which can be easily edited and are associated with Systems or Stacks. Libraries are only available in Styra DAS Enterprise. To enable this feature, please contact your Styra Customer Success Manager.

Support for Glob Matching

The Kubernetes System type rule card inclusion and exclusion filters now support glob patterns in all fields (namespaces, kinds, label-key, label-value, annotation-key, and annotation-value). Previously, glob-match was supported only on the label-value and annotation-value fields.

  • Git configuration is consolidated into the ‘styra link config git’ command removing ‘publish’.
  • Commands for listing installation and uninstallation instructions are now available.
  • Kubernetes Systems with Stacks can now initialize successfully.
  • Support was added for initializing Systems with older System type versions.
  • Debug output will mask sensitive values when displaying API request bodies.

March 22, 2023

The Styra DAS 20230322 release delivers the following new features.

New Features

This section describes new features.

Styra Link allows you to manage Styra DAS using the Styra CLI. With the Styra Link workflow, you write, test, and validate your policy locally as an integrated part of your development.

Styra Visual Studio Code Extension

The Styra VS Code extension increases your productivity through a single, centralized IDE by avoiding switching back and forth using different tools. Through the Styra VS Code extension, you can manage commonly used features of Styra DAS and Rego development within the VS Code ecosphere.