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Release Notes for Styra DAS

This page provides Styra DAS SaaS Release Notes for September 2022.

September 29, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220929 release delivers the following new features and enhancements and fixed issues.

New Features and Enhancements

This section describes new features and enhancements.

Custom Snippets

Custom Snippets are released to Styra DAS SaaS Enterprise. A Custom Snippet is a visual rendering of the parameters and values needed to configure a policy condition. To enable this feature, please contact your Styra Customer Success Manager.

Okta Data Source

Okta Data Source is released to Styra DAS SaaS Enterprise. The Okta data source allows you to expose your Okta users, groups, roles, and applications to Styra DAS as a data source. To enable this feature, please contact your Styra Customer Success Manager.

Entitlements System Enhancement

The Entitlements System input transformations have been updated to include an example of how to decode a JWT token and place the decoded token in the context field.

HTTPS Data Source

The HTTPS Data Source dialog box now includes a new field in the Method drop-down box for QUERY. To enable this feature, please contact your Styra Customer Success Manager.

Fixed Issues

This section describes fixed issues.

Stack Policy

Errors in a stacks policy prevented system validation from working.

Decision Replay

Decision Replay loaded incorrect input data.

System Install Commands on Windows

The System install commands did not work properly for Windows.

Data Source Publication

Publishing a Data Source through the Styra DAS UI incorrectly made two requests. One request used the wrong method and returned a 409 status code while the other succeeded.

September 21, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220921 release delivers the following enhancements and a fixed issue.


This section describes enhancements.

OPA Update

Styra DAS is updated with OPA 0.44.

HTTP Pull Data Source

The HTTP Pull Data Source has been enhanced for configuration parity with OPA http.send. There are three new fields supported:

  • method - to POST rather than GET
  • raw_body - to POST form encoded data
  • body - to POST JSON data

Envoy 2.1 System Enhancement

The Envoy System now supports controlling the configuration of the OPA Envoy plugin.

Istio System Enhancement

The Istio System can be installed without SLP.

Fixed Issue

This section describes a fixed issue.


The 0.8.0 Self-Hosted installation image download script was updated to include new services.

September 14, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220914 release delivers the following new features and enhancements.

New Features and Enhancements

This section describes new features and enhancements.

Delta Bundles

Delta Bundles are released to Styra DAS SaaS Enterprise. Delta Bundles provide a more efficient way to make data changes by only updating the delta changes to the Snapshot Bundle. By leveraging Delta Bundles, Styra DAS propagates data changes to OPAs and SLPs more efficiently. To enable this feature, please contact your Styra Customer Success Manager.

External Bundles

External Bundles are released to Styra DAS SaaS Enterprise. External Bundles are used to configure Styra DAS to allow OPA to access bundles or services from external registries, without the bundles being accessible by Styra DAS. This feature can be used to protect sensitive data. To enable this feature, please contact your Styra Customer Success Manager.

Upgrade of Styra Local Plane (SLP)

Styra DAS has been upgraded to use the OPA version embedded in SLP to 0.43. This supports the latest Rego language features.

Styra DAS UI

Added support for "if" and "contains" keywords in the Styra DAS Editor.

Kubernetes System Enhancement

The Kubernetes System supports Ephemeral containers. This enhancement is enabled through Styra Customer Success for Styra DAS SaaS Enterprise.

September 7, 2022

The Styra DAS 20220907 release delivers the following new features and enhancements.

New Features and Enhancements

This section describes new features and enhancements.

Entitlements System New Snippet

The Entitlements System “ABAC: Resource Has Attributes” snippet contains enhanced functionality.

OPA Update

Styra DAS is updated with OPA 0.43.

Fixed Issues

This section describes fixed issues.

Relay Client

When a relay client gets into an unhealthy state, Styra adds the ability to force-evict the relay-client by ID to expedite troubleshooting.

Entitlements Installation

The Entitlements "Kubernetes Service" installation command has been fixed.